Dim inqdata(64) As Integer Dim retval As Integer Dim ha As Integer Dim target As Integer Dim lun As Integer Dim results As String Dim inqstr As String Dim i As Integer Dim NL As String Dim length As Integer Dim vendor As String Dim vers As String Dim product As String Dim x As Object Set x = CreateObject("Logger.Application") NL = Chr(10) target = 3 ha = 2 lun = 0 retval = SCSICMQ() retval = SCSIInquiry(ha,target,lun,inqdata) If retval <> 1 Then MsgBox "Inquiry failed - Status = " & retval Stop Else retval = SCSIGetVendor(ha,target,lun,vendor) retval = SCSIGetProduct(ha,target,lun,product) retval = SCSIGetVersion(ha,target, lun , vers) x.WriteLine "HBA = " & ha & ", Target = " & target & ", LUN = " & lun results = "Vendor = " & vendor & " Product = " & product & " Version = " & vers x.WriteLine "Vendor = " & vendor & " Product = " & product & " Version = " & vers & NL results = "" x.WriteLine "Hex INQUIRY data:" For i = 0 To 32 results = results & (Hex(inqdata(i)) ) & " " Next x.WriteLine results & NL x.WriteLine "Qualifier = " & Hex((inqdata(0) And 224)) x.WriteLine "Device Type = " & Hex((inqdata(0) And &h1f)) If (inqdata(1) And &h80) Then x.WriteLine "RMB = 1" Else x.WriteLine "RMB = 0" End If x.WriteLine "Device Modifier = " & Hex((inqdata(1) And &h7f)) x.WriteLine "ISO Version = " & Hex((inqdata(2) And &hc0)) x.WriteLine "ECMA Version = " & Hex((inqdata(2) And &h38)) x.WriteLine "ANSI Version = " & Hex((inqdata(2) And &h07)) If (inqdata(3) And &h80) Then x.WriteLine "AENC = 1" Else x.WriteLine "AENC = 0" End If If (inqdata(3) And &h40) Then x.WriteLine "TrmIOP = 1" Else x.WriteLine "TrmIOP = 0" End If x.WriteLine "Response Data Format = " & Hex((inqdata(3) And &h0f)) x.WriteLine "Additional Length = " & Hex((inqdata(4) )) x.WriteLine "Vendor-Unique = " & Hex((inqdata(5) And &hff)) If (inqdata(7) And &h80) Then x.WriteLine "Rel Adr = 1" Else x.WriteLine "Rel Adr = 0" End If If (inqdata(7) And &h40) Then x.WriteLine "WB32 = 1" Else x.WriteLine "WB32 = 0" End If If (inqdata(7) And &h20) Then x.WriteLine "WB16 = 1" Else x.WriteLine "WB16 = 0" End If If (inqdata(7) And &h10) Then x.WriteLine "Sync = 1" Else x.WriteLine "Sync = 0" End If If (inqdata(7) And &h08) Then x.WriteLine "Link = 1" Else x.WriteLine "Link = 0" End If If (inqdata(7) And &h04) Then x.WriteLine "Rsvd = 1" Else x.WriteLine "Rsvd = 0" End If If (inqdata(7) And &h02) Then x.WriteLine "CmdQue = 1" Else x.WriteLine "CmdQue = 0" End If If (inqdata(7) And &h01) Then x.WriteLine "Sft Rst = 1" Else x.WriteLine "Sft Rst = 0" End If x.WriteLine "Vendor ID = " & vendor x.WriteLine "Product ID = " & product x.WriteLine "Revision = " & vers End If