It's here! Version 9.2 of the STB Suite has been released.
In version 9.2 we added improvements to the installation, original mode changes, and added new features. Also in v9.2 there were DMM changes, new test features that include enhanced Database logging. Also, some minor changes to the Tape Manufacturing Module (TMM) were made. AME now has a GUI option that will display the test status, drives under test with error notifications and the ability to execute all Pre-Test and Post-Test Actions via the defined .seq file. Lastly, the Developer Toolbox API (DTB) had some changes made as well as seven new features.
If you're an active Performa customer you should have already received your 9.2 Performa email. If you have not received your email or would, would like to renew your coverage, or are interested in purchasing a new license please contact sales.
Read the Full v9.2 STB Suite Release notes here with screenshots!